소형차Las Vegas Mgm Grand Hotel 렌트카소형차
Compact cars or class compact cars - renting these cars is well suited for people who need to get to the meeting or just ride around the city. Convenience, maneuverness and quality and comfort - this iso associations when renting a compact car.
스탠더드Las Vegas Mgm Grand Hotel 렌트카스탠더드
Standard class car rental speaks for itself - you will receive a standard car for core trips or travels between cities. Basically, such machines accommodate 5 passengers and several bags of bags, Ideal to travel by car class standard in four
승용차Las Vegas Mgm Grand Hotel 렌트카승용차
Clas Economy is one of the budget versions of rented cars, which can be used for working trips, as well as an alternative to personal transport. It should also be noted that renting a car class economy good solution if you need to get from point A to point B and pay minimum of money
대형 SUVLas Vegas Mgm Grand Hotel 대형 SUV렌트
Large SUV
중형 SUVLas Vegas Mgm Grand Hotel 중형 SUV렌트
Medium SUV
소형 SUVLas Vegas Mgm Grand Hotel 소형 SUV렌트
Small SUV