コンパクトDubai Four Point By Sheraton Mankhool レンタカーコンパクト
Compact cars or class compact cars - renting these cars is well suited for people who need to get to the meeting or just ride around the city. Convenience, maneuverness and quality and comfort - this iso associations when renting a compact car.
スタンダードDubai Four Point By Sheraton Mankhool レンタカースタンダード
Standard class car rental speaks for itself - you will receive a standard car for core trips or travels between cities. Basically, such machines accommodate 5 passengers and several bags of bags, Ideal to travel by car class standard in four
中型車Dubai Four Point By Sheraton Mankhool レンタカー中型車
Intermediate cars are hundred travelers who move around tourist routes in small provincial cities or their route passes through the narrow streets where the big car will pass with difficulty. The class of a medium-rod car is suitable for traveling a few people with the sky baggage
エコノミーDubai Four Point By Sheraton Mankhool レンタカーエコノミー
Clas Economy is one of the budget versions of rented cars, which can be used for working trips, as well as an alternative to personal transport. It should also be noted that renting a car class economy good solution if you need to get from point A to point B and pay minimum of money
小型車Dubai Four Point By Sheraton Mankhool レンタカー小型車
ミニカーは、そのコンパクトなサイズと経済的な燃料消費のために、単独で旅行する人やカップルの間で人気のあるカテゴリーを表しています。これらの小型車は、狭い都市の道路を効率的に移動するために理想的です。ミニカーをレンタルすることを選択すると、荷物の容量が限られていることに注意しても、最も予算に優しい選択肢となります。たとえば、レンタルマイクロカーの主要な競合他社には、Mini Cooper、Fiat 500、Volkswagen Polo、Ford Fiesta、Renault Clioの他に、ホンダN-BOX、スズキワゴンR、トヨタパッソ、ダイハツミラ、日産デイズなど、日本製のミニカーも含まれます。