中级溫哥華 租車 中级
Intermediate cars are hundred travelers who move around tourist routes in small provincial cities or their route passes through the narrow streets where the big car will pass with difficulty. The class of a medium-rod car is suitable for traveling a few people with the sky baggage
大型溫哥華 租車 大型
The class of full-size cars is a car in which up to 5 passengers is broadcast and, in contrast to the difference from class standard, can accommodate a road bags to chestych, which makes it convenient for long journeys. Full-size cars mainly with front-wheel drive.
中型SUV大型SUV迷你溫哥華 租車 迷你
迷你车代表着一种受欢迎的类别,适合独自旅行或情侣,因为它们的紧凑尺寸和经济节油。这些小车非常适合在狭窄的城市街道上高效行驶。选择租一辆迷你车被证明是最经济实惠的选择,尽管需要注意它们有限的行李容量。例如,在租赁微型车领域的顶级竞争对手包括Mini Cooper,Fiat 500,Volkswagen Polo,Ford Fiesta和Renault Clio。